Berlin team building activities // outdoor, sustainable, creative

  • By Franziska Ernst
  • 8 Minutes to read
/Posted on 14 Jun 2022
Berlin team building activities // outdoor, sustainable, creative

Top 20 extraordinary ideas for company events - Berlin-Brandenburg

Are you looking for innovative team events in Berlin? ... special outdoor activities that inspire everyone? ... local offers that pay into your sustainability account?

Then we present you 20 great ideas including experiences close to nature, sustainable offers and creative activities! Berlin – team building activities:

Outdoor team building

- Cow Whispering
- Raft Building
- and much more

Sustainable company events

- Sustainable Bike Tour
- Local Dinner
- Planting Trees
- and much more

Creative ideas & trends

- Escape Room
- Drum Class
- Short Film Shoot
- and much more

Benefits of team events

For motivated employees. For improved communication. For a change from everyday office life. → For the success of your company!

Team building activities: outdoor & close to nature

Company outing in nature

Over two years of pandemic with endless video calls and a lot of time in your own four walls are behind you? That's when an outdoor team building event comes in handy. It goes out into nature, where relaxation, action and a change from everyday office life await you.

Relaxation for the whole team

Time in the fresh air, the peace away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the connection with nature ... Here you can really switch off and slow down. Long to-do lists and meetings are slowly taking a back seat. You get a clear head and new energy.

But nature can do even more: It is a catalyst for creativity! After a trip to the countryside, your team can develop new ideas and alternative solutions again.

… or action, fun and adventure?

Relaxed enough? Then fun and action are on the agenda! Experiencing small adventures in a group strengthens the sense of community. You get to know each other better and from a different side. And a successful team event in Berlin's nature will remain a topic of discussion for a long time!

Cow Whispering – up close with the mighty herd animals

What can cows teach us about human communication? You will find out in this unique workshop. Here your team will learn interesting facts about the nature of herd animals: How does your presence affect the herd? How can you use your body language to communicate? And how can you build trust in these powerful animals?

Communicate better – also non-verbally

Communication in the group or with the herd takes place largely non-verbally and through body language. A great, practical measure to approach the topic of “non-violent communication”. In addition, the gentle four-legged friends radiate a deep calm that is contagious.


Mindful hike with horses – for more self-reflection

Animals have always been used for therapeutic purposes and help us humans to break out of everyday patterns and problematic situations. Horses in particular help us to connect better with our intuition and emotions. In this workshop, each team member learns to lead their horse using their body language correctly and to trust themselves and the animal. This horse-assisted experience is led by a somatic coach.

Reflecting on conflicts and strengthening trust

Your focus is entirely on you and the horse. You listen to the rhythmic hoofbeats of the animals and enjoy the time together in nature. In this moment of switching off, you can let your thoughts circulate – open yourself to everything that occupies you. The stress of everyday life and conflicts at work may still be present, but having a horse by your side changes your perspective. Stressful issues seem lighter, problems change and conflict situations become clearer.

Booking outdoor events conveniently online

Is the mindful hike with horses, cow whispering or the barefoot hike just right for your team? Then please don’t hesitate to contact us. You will receive further information and group prices by email → Inquire now

More ideas for the next team outing:

- Raft Building: Creativity, teamwork and a hands-on mentality are required.

- Geocaching: A little adventure in nature awaits you.

- Archery: Link to and focus on your targets.

Sustainable corporate events

Local offers for team building // Berlin

Farewell to greenwashing – shouldn't sustainability remain just a buzzword? You want to live sustainability as a company? Then the following team events with a local, sustainable connection are just right for you!

Here we present local, authentic offers that pay attention to sustainability in every detail – from the careful handling of the animal and plant world to the use of local food.

Local Vineyard Tour & Wine Tasting – Celebrate Success

Why go to the Moselle when the wine grows not far from Berlin? The Wolkenberg vineyard is located in one of the sunniest regions of Germany: Lower Lusatia (Niederlausitz). The recultivated opencast mine is one of the most fascinating wine-growing regions in Germany. An exciting place that is ideal for company outings. Because what's the best way to toast a team's success if not with a glass of wine?

Experience culture and celebrate success

The hour-long tour of the vineyard is an experience in itself. Here you can learn not only interesting facts about the cultivation of wine, but also a lot about the history of the region. The subsequent tasting of wine and locally produced cheese is a fitting celebration – a tasteful, appreciative setting for reflecting on professional projects or toasting to successes in the team.

Bike Tour – discover sustainable places in Berlin

The bike tour of a special kind! This event is not about the typical sights and supposed insider tips. The sustainable bike tour keeps what the name promises: your team learns a lot about CO2 emissions, environmental protection measures and climate footprint. You will also pass exciting places such as urban gardens, sustainable shops and unique local recreation areas.

Drive, explore and improve the world together

Just driving together, looking out for each other and experiencing things as a team strengthens team spirit tremendously. Visiting the more sustainable places makes the tour a very special experience – even for those who know Berlin, because it lives above all from the discussions and exchange of experiences with the group. This is how you get to know the German capital from a completely different perspective.

Extra tip: Since this team event takes place directly in Berlin, you can bring your own bike. The tour ends at Tempelhofer Feld – the ideal place for a self-organized picnic.

Local Dinner – Culinary delights from the area

Cooking together, eating healthy, living sustainably – that’s what the local dining experience is all about. In the cooking workshop you will prepare vegetarian delicacies from seasonal products, curated by experienced chefs. All the ingredients come from Berlin and Brandenburg.

Cooking fun combined with sustainability

The event combines cooking fun with helpful learnings. Because the chef has all sorts of practical tips for sustainable consumption and reducing waste.

At the subsequent dinner party, we toast to shared milestones and let the evening end in a relaxed manner. This is the perfect opportunity to get to know new colleagues or to chat in a nice atmosphere away from the hustle and bustle of the office.

Booking sustainable events conveniently online

The local wine tasting, the bike tour through sustainable Berlin or the local dinner is the ideal event for your team? Then please write to us. You will receive further information and group prices by email → Inquire now

- CleanUp: Collecting rubbish and doing good together.

- Planting trees: For more green in Berlin-Brandenburg!

- Canoeing: Teamwork and coordination is required here.

Creative ideas and innovative trends

More ideas for your next corporate event // Berlin and surroundings

Here are particularly innovative and creative ideas for the next team outing in Berlin – team building activities:

- Escape room
- Graffiti workshop
- iPad rally
- Ball track construction
- Drum class
- Team painting
- Short film shoot
- Bridge building workshop

Discover more extraordinary ideas here – sustainable and close to nature. Prices for group offers are available on request to

Request team events now!


What is effective team building?

Definition of team building events

A well-functioning team forms the foundation for the success of a company. A strategic compilation of complementary qualifications and a good working atmosphere are important components. The latter increases the satisfaction and motivation of the team and thus productivity. This in turn ensures a low fluctuation rate and saves costs for recruiting and training.

In addition to classic team building measures such as feedback meetings, coaching and seminars, group activities are particularly effective. Team events take place outside of the office, are designed as a shared experience and provide a change from everyday work.

Why is team building so important?

Regular team events can make a significant contribution to corporate success. In doing so, they ensure several results or pursue different goals:

1. Strengthen cohesion
Team events support the development and strengthening of interpersonal relationships within an organization. The results are a collegial sense of unity and improved collaboration.

2. Optimize team building
At group events where teamwork is required, it quickly becomes apparent which participants are more dominant and which are more reserved. Valuable insights for the team leader can be gained from this.

3. Optimize communication
At team building events, the exchange between the participants often takes place not only on a verbal but also on a non-verbal level. An exciting experience that promotes communication between each other and breaks down communication blocks.

4. Push creativity
A change of scenery and breaking out of everyday routines creates space for new ideas, a breath of fresh air and, above all, creativity! A break in nature is particularly effective.

5. Fun and variety
Team events also focus on fun and a change from everyday office life. It is important to consider the preferences and needs of individual colleagues when selecting the activity.

6. Convey appreciation
Special team events are a great way to recognize team effort. This form of appreciation pays into the employee’s satisfaction account.

7. Encourage employee retention
And satisfied employees stay with the company. This lowers the fluctuation rate and the associated costs.

8. Integrate new employees
New colleagues can connect more quickly through team events. And the team management can also get to know the participants better.